
Thursday, January 22, 2009

Baby News!

Yes, it's true! Jared and I are excited to announce that I am now 10 weeks pregnant with baby #3! We are due in mid-August. I don't think the kids really understand what is going on, but here are some funny things they have said about it.

Me: "What do you want to name the baby?"
Haley: "Baby Micah!" (This is their cousin's name)
Kyle: "I'll have to wait 'till the baby comes out to see it's name."

Me: "Would you like a brother or sister?"
Kyle: "I think I want a brother because I don't have one of those yet. I think God already chose a brother."

I haven't felt great the last few weeks, but definitely not as sick as I was the first two times. I think God knows I can only handle so much! My energy level has been really low and the kids wear me out most days. But they are supposed to do that, right?


momma cobb said...

I knew you'd be joining our club soon! Congrats!

Meve & Co. said...

Yeah! The glowing days are just around the corner...hopefully.=)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! You're braver than I! 3 kids would make me beyond crazy! Can't wait to keep up with your progess.

The Clarks said...

Congratulations! How exciting!! :)

Amy Mc said...

Congrats- another cute blond baby either way!

Jessica Newman said...

Yeah!! That's awesome news! Hope to see you guys soon!

Joy said...

Congratulations! How exciting!

Paul Castleman said...

Congratulations and blessings on the remainder of your pregnancy. I pray you will feel better soon and be filled with energy that could only come from the Almighty. Blessings!!!

Dana said...

Okay Sara, the paul castleman is my brother in law and somehow I was signed on with his account. It was really me saying that! Love you,

Anonymous said...
