Well, a very funny thing happened today. I had my normal 20 week sonogram to take measurements and check the growth of the baby. We were also hoping for confirmation that is was a girl since my other sono was a little early (17 weeks). Were we ever so surprised when we discovered it was really a boy! Even the radiologist went back and forth several times this morning before she decided it truly was a boy. Crazy, huh?! At the very end, he decided to really cooperate and gave us a really good shot with his legs wide and it sure is a boy! We are surprised and so excited that Kyle will have a brother! Of course we would be thrilled with either a boy or a girl, but are most excited that his growth is right on track and he looks very healthy. Kyle was a little confused today when we told him the doctor was wrong the first time, but he quickly adjusted and is super excited. My heart melted tonight when I put him to bed and he asked if he could pray for his baby brother. We are not 100% sure of his name, but we think it will be Alex Michael. What a fun surprise today!
Also, here is my 5 month picture. I can't believe I am almost halfway done with this pregnancy. It goes by so fast when you have two others to chase around! He is a very active baby and is already kicking me pretty hard. Jared has already felt him move a few times, so it looks like we have a pretty busy little boy!
my mom wants to know if it might be twins instead of just one since there was a girl and now it's a boy...what are the chances???
Maybe it is twins??
That's crazy!!
God's plans are so exciting...
Wow .... i wonder what that says about his personality? He's always going to keep everyone guessing and on their toes :) Congrats!!
twins... i hope not! Nice belly shot, and I can't wait to wear your shirt!
So much fun! Congrats!
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