
Sunday, July 26, 2009

Almost There!

Here I am at 36 1/2 weeks. I am feeling pretty huge and really ready to meet baby Alex. I am very tired and moving slowly these days. I am so thankful that Jared is willing to work on my long lists of things I want done before the baby comes. He is also doing dishes, grocery shopping and helping with the cooking (when we cook). The kids are so excited about meeting their baby brother. I hope the excitement lasts after he arrives! Their favorite new game is to put Legos on my tummy and watch Alex "kick" them off. He is a very active baby, the most active between about 9pm and midnight. That maybe a bad sign for our sleeping patterns in the next few weeks!

Here is a picture of me with Karen, my best friend since we were 6 years old! She is about 29 weeks pregnant with baby # 6, which is also a boy. We are really excited to have boys so close together! The funny thing is that even with this many kids (there will 9 between the two of us!) they are staggered and this is the closest we have ever had babies.
I should only have about 3 weeks left at the most. We will keep you posted!

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