
Friday, June 19, 2009

Potty Training

This would not have been my timing, but those of you who know Haley know that she has her own timing (and opinion!) for everything. So, we were thinking about trying some potty training with her starting next week after our vacation and VBS at church. She had been asking occasionally to go potty and had actually started going sometimes. We had been talking to her about wearing "big girl panties" soon and she seemed excited about it. Well, last Wednesday afternoon after her nap she took off her diaper, announced that she was now a big girl and refused to put a diaper back on. Great timing, of course, with another day of VBS on Thursday and our vacation coming up in a few days. I did NOT want to be running to the potty every few minutes on vacation. Anyway, she has been doing great, with a few accidents, but really seems to be getting the concept. We have even ventured out to eat and to Wal-Mart in panties and stayed accident-free. She did great on our vacation (still a few accidents), but we have been using a Pull-Up when we are out sometimes, if we can get her to put one on. I am hoping she will be completely potty trained by the time the baby comes and really hoping that she will not regress once he arrives. We'll see...

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