
Sunday, August 31, 2008

Visit with Micah

I had a wonderful visit with Claire, Carl and Micah last week. I really missed my own kiddos, but it was hard to leave! Micah is such a beautiful, sweet baby! She is so content and rarely cries. She does like to eat though! Carl had to work some while I was there, so Claire and I enjoyed some fun girl time. We did some shopping, went to the park, took a long walk to the library and went out to eat twice! Micah did great and slept through most of the errands and both restaurant trips. Here are some of my favorite pictures from the trip.

House Update

The house is coming along well! We just set our closing date this weekend for September 25 and we are so excited! Here are some pictures to show some of the progress.

I was a little unsure of the dark red for the kitchen when I first picked it, but now I really love it!!

Our bathroom - Hopefully this will give you an idea of the blue color in the bathroom. It has a very light and relaxing look.

Also, I drove by today and they have done most of the landscaping (no grass yet), put up the fence and stained the wood floors in the front of the house. The floors are beautiful! It is so much fun to see all of our design choices come together. It was hard for me to see the big picture when I was picking out paint colors, flooring, etc, but as I watch them put everything in I am so happy with all of the choices we made. Thanks to Joanna for helping me so much!

Most of all, I am getting more and more excited about finally being close to all of our wonderful friends! It won't be long!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Picture of Micah

Here is one of my favorite pictures of Micah. As I write this I am sitting at the computer holding her while Claire and Carl run an errand and take a much-needed coffee break ALONE. Micah is an absolutely beautiful baby and I am really enjoying being here with her.  We have been pretty busy. Claire and I took Micah to her two week check-up yesterday and she is doing great! She is now 8lbs, 1 oz and 21 inches long. Then we did some shopping, went out for lunch and did some more shopping. Micah did great - she slept the entire time (with a few feedings in there too). We had a quiet morning at home with her today and a lady from their church brought by some spaghetti for our dinner. I hope you enjoy the picture. I will have more when I get home! 

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Bike Riding!

Thanks to some wonderful friends of ours, the Trigueros, Kyle now has a bike to ride! Lucas got a new bike for his birthday, and they let us borrow his old one so Kyle could learn how to ride. He has had so much fun and is really getting the hang of it. He has only had one fall and landed in the dirt so thankfully he did not have any scraped elbows or knees. Kyle really likes to go fast, so if you are in our neighborhood, watch out!

Monday, August 11, 2008

House Update

Here are some pictures of the house that we took this weekend. It is really coming along well! The brick & stone is finished, all of the cabinets and wood floors are in and the staircase is in. None of the wood has been stained yet. We love the brick/stone colors! I hope you enjoy seeing these pictures.

The kitchen

Our little construction workers!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Baby Micah!

More family news...

Baby Micah Grace was born today and I am definitely a proud aunt! She arrived today at 1:06pm and weighed 7 lbs, 7oz and was 20 inches long. I am so proud of my sister, Claire, who labored a good 12 hours and delivered with no epidural. Yikes! She is tired, but they are all doing well.

Congrats to the new parents - Claire and Carl!!!

Pictures will be coming soon.

Bricks and Walls!

Here is a picture we took today of the house. They put all the sheet rock up this week, so we now have walls! Then, in the last two days they have started the brick and stone. We were really excited to see how the brick/stone combo that we picked would actually look on the house. They had to make some substitutions on the stone because they were running out of a certain color. Highland told us that they would make sure it would match the brick okay, but I was still a little nervous. Thankfully, Jared and I both love it, even though it doesn't look like what I had pictured in my mind, and I think I might even like it better than what we picked in the first place. Below is a close-up picture so you can see the colors better.

Standing at the front door. What a difference!